serien lighting hauserlacour 18

Branding and Corporate Design — Book and Editorial Design — Interactive Design — Brand Strategy — Photography and Film


The Art of Light

Case Study 

A modern expression of light.

A leading luminaire manufacturer in Germany,, capitalizes on the perfect interplay of light, technology and design. This gives luminaires by their extraordinary look and feel. The Rodgau-based company approached hauser lacour with a request to redesign its website and formulate a modern corporate identity.

Projekt Assets

visualization of the brand and product identities

Redesigning the website

The Managing Directors of, Manfred Wolf and Jean-Marc da Costa, keep honing their designs until the outcome is just perfect –nothing needs to be added or taken away. The luminaires are correspondingly expressive, with their special features as regards material, function and form reflected in their names. The new website, which constitutes the brand’s main presentation, was to underline these strong personalities, which impress visitors and at the same time offer dealers convenient and fast access to product-specific information. 


Product Branding

Each luminaire a brand of its own

The product names “Poppy”, “Twin” and “Zoom” appear in large black letters next to the relevant luminaires and fuse with them into individual word and figurative marks. They play a key role on the website and as such stick even more in customers’ minds. They simultaneously strengthen the profile of the brand with respect to the competition. With the introduction of the fonts Freight and Replica, hauser lacour also succeeded in further developing’s corporate language.



New visual and pictogram language

In addition to the word and figurative marks the luminaires are featured in photo series showing them in context in a homely atmosphere. A further design highlight is the pictograms, illustrations of the luminaires and used to show their dimensions. They have a striking design and take the form of individual, distinctive icons.


Wording und Claims

Narrative claim

For both the product catalog and the design of the trade fair stand the luminaires were given a claim in keeping with their name and that refers to the story behind them. For example, next to “Poppy” we read “wake up little poppy”, which alludes to the luminaire head, which resembles a poppy and is made of bimetal, opening it petals as the illuminant warms. The claim again emphasizes the perception of the luminaires as a brand.


B2B and B2C

Two worlds

Orientation within the new website is very simple. In terms of content and design, the entire site is divided into a product and a company world. Users can click on the key topics in both worlds via a menu bar – then fährt die Bühne über the entire site and reveals the relevant topic area. Here hauser lacour makes creative use of the stark contrast of black and white – light and shadow.

For the company part of the website hauser lacour developed a complex blog module enabling various freelance editors to post articles in parallel on products or the brand. The individual articles can be thematically sorted and chrono-
logically displayed using keywords. In this way, interested users are always up to date.

product films

Every luminaire a stage

hauser lacour produced a film for the most prominent luminaires that can be played on the respective product pages. The films are not educational and explanatory, but atmospherically stage each of the luminaires’ characteristics. For example, “Propeller” is approached through white sheets of paper whirling through the air. Next, the viewer’s gaze is steered onto a stack of paper and only at the end onto the luminaire, which is based on the shape of a propeller and caused this eddy.

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